ehibitions znak Ehibitions
Evrasia 2010

Evrasia 2010 - President FCI A.I.Inshakov and "Stolichnie ocharovashki"

евразия 2010

Evrasia 2010 - foto with russkaya tsvetnaya bolonka

SLIDESHOW the exhibition of RUSSIA-2010
SLIDESHOW the exhibition of Sokolniki 2010
выст. ред лайтхаус

Red Lighthouse

кинология весна-2011
SLIDESHOW the exhibition of KINOLOGIA a spring-2011
Красный Маяк Сокольники-2011
SLIDESHOW the exhibition of Red Lighthouse. Sokolniki;-2011
Красный Маяк 2012
SLIDESHOW the exhibition of Red Lighthouse-2012
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